Saturday 12 December 2009

Deirdre Barlow barnacles, giant onions, cheese from Ethel and Clareodactyl

Today I had an opticians appointment, I've worn glasses for around 10 years now, not all the time as my sight isn't so impaired, but I need them for reading, sewing and computer jazz. I found out today though that my left eye has deteriorated a lot since my last visit. So kittens some new glasses are needed for bear to see properly. 
Uber excitedness ooooohh yes.
I picked out some practical yet totally clarebear swishtastic ones, and got anti reflective lenses which will be better for me when I'm on wee Betty Beartop (my mac).
I don't have a picture of the beasts but they look somewhat like these:

Yes soooo Deirdre Barlow! I love them!

Mine are pink and grey plastic beasts though and not brown. But trust me they are immense! 

After sorting out my barnacles me and mother went ooo la shopping, nothing special really. I did find a dress and a tweed jacket for my shoot with Lacey in my good ole faithful local charity shop. You can read about what we are planning for the shoot here . I also found pretty pink top/dress that's just a wee bit gypsy/hippie vibe. I LOVE IT!  
But as shopping for ooo la veg I spotted this monster beast!

I mean ooohhh myy goddd! I dunno about you but I've never seen a freak giant sized onion this size before. I dunno maybe I'm hanging around in the wrong places. I mean seriously you could whack someone with this and do some damage its that big! Look its actually bigger than my hands! Weird ass vegetables man confuse me.

So after the excitement of the monster veg, we pondered over to a card shop where ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyy I wanna wee my pants!!!!!!
Get this, dinosaurs with people's names on! And before you think "what's special about that" Check this out:

OMG I almost wet myself with glee.
I do kinda wish they would spell my name correctly first, and not smaller underneath. Lame none fans of Clare's without le "i". And why am I always blue??? I have no idea why but everything related to my name and star sign is always blue. I don't really like blue. I'm a pink and purple gal. Even green would make a change. GOD enough of my colour moaning! CLAREODACTYL DINOSAUR orgasmic totally! God I love dinosaurs! O

And and check out what the description says! 
"Engergetic and daring with the sweetest squawk in the skies!"
OMG OMG that is so unreal to be true! I squawk and squeak and meow!
This day was turning out completely different than originally expected.

And to end my wee bloggerrooooo. 
Capricorn cheese by Ethel le goat.
Says it all really.