Wednesday 25 November 2009

Kate Nash stole my face.

Today I've been listening to Kate Nash.

Image from

I've always been torn between loving Kate or finding her rather irritating. 
The first reason is her chav-esque moments that occur in her lyrics which simply annoy me. 
You know that awful line "I'd rather be with your friends mate because they are much fitter" 
I think the fact that at these moments she reminds me of Lily Allen is properly why I get more irate. 
I used to like ole Lil but her chav outbursts were just too much for me to tolerate.
Another factor that used to annoy me was how everyone thinks that I look like her. 
I never really could see the resemblance. 
But looking back over old photos I can kinda get it now. 
I do look vaguely like her, or maybe she looks vaguely like me.
I prefer the latter option.
Kate Nash stole my face!


image from


Could we be sisters? Or am I secretly doing a real life Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus?

I really love this photo shoot by Alice Rosenbaum of Kate.

We kinda have the same face shape.
This is from back in may 2008 when I still had my natural hair colour.
I do miss this colour.

Anyway, today I love Kate.
Her songs made me smile,laugh and also a little bit sad. 
She gets some flack for her lyrics (I blame the "fitter" remark) but I enjoy her little songlets. 
They're little stories of a modern gal singing quite bluntly yet vulnerably about life, love, biscuits and getting drunk. I myself can relate to her music, and I like her. Enough said.

image from

There's quite a few lyrics from her songs that I adore, and that completely reflect me and my life. 
The song 'Don't you want to share the guilt' is one of them songs, the part where Kate speaks. I found myself enticed to listen, and taken aback as her words were alike my own thoughts.

"I dont know how more people haven´t got mental health problems
Thinking is one of those stressful things I've ever come across
And not being able to articulate what I want to say drives me crazy
I think I should try and read more books
And learn some new words
My sister used to read the dictionary
I'm going to start with that
I'd like to travel
I want to see India and the pyramids
A whale and that race with all the bicycles in France
I'm not sure about rivers, they scare me"

Here's a few songs that I simply love!
The 'Skeleton song' is adorable. I love the melody of this cute song about a girls friendship with a skeleton.
'Stitching Leggings' is an upbeat song about being unlucky but trying to see the positive in it.
I love 'Birds' from the first time I heard it. It reminded me of a boy I don't talk about no more. But yeh, I love this song.
'Mariella' is awesome. I love this song about the weird little girl. She seems so cool yet under appreciated. 
And 'The Nicest Thing', this is the song that makes me sad. But its such a beautifully amazing song. I do love.

"This Little Girl She grew up and moved away and she
She lived her life full of risk and full of play and she
She lived her life, with so much to say, and
Her flowers they grow more beautiful everyday."
'Little Red'