Wednesday 3 March 2010

Flora, Fauna and Merryweather

My mood this week has been very ethereal. I have unpurposely worn florals everyday this week. I think I have a wee crush on all that is naturey and ethereal. And this love has been fuelled by la Gucci 'Flora' perfume advert directed by Chris Cunningham; pure love! 

And I found this image hidden in a folder of pictures I love and inspire me. 
How much does it remind you of la Flora advert!
Tomorrow I am heading to London to attend a fashion show. La designer is Flutter By Daisy 
(Natanya Waybourne) and she designs ethereal dresses for "broken dolls and butterfly people". 
She is super super cool and I am just a wee bit excited to see la show! 
Below is an illustration I did of Natanya in one of her ever soo pretty dresses. 
I think its cute but then again, I did draw it :)

I'm now ever so sleepy. Bed time one thinks. Sweet dreams one and all!