Thursday 15 October 2009

Sew sew sew your ......... knickers?

I was never any good at keeping a diary, at any age. I'd always forget to write in it. Alike this blogger, I am too forgetful. But today I remembered (yay me). 

I am just sitting in front of my sewing machine, trying to remember where I put the darn instruction manual, whilst drinking a frothy latte. No one is in, just me and the cat and she's asleep in the window. Bless her, everyone will think she doesn't have a comfy bed she can sleep in. She has two. And a pet mattress. But she prefers to sleep on a hard wooden chest. Strange girl.

It does seem after I swore I don't want a career sewing, that ever since graduating, sewing is all I seem to be doing. I made my graduation dress, had a job as a seamstress, become the local alterations lady fixing everyone's clothes and bits, making posh fancy cushion covers and my range of lingerie that I shall be selling soon hopefully. Maybe I should swear I'd hate to be rich and happy, that it might just come true.

So in this time of me 'blogging' my parents have returned home, mother found the instruction manual and the sewing machine is fixed. Oh and empty cup. And I am kinda fed also. That's if a dairlylea dunker classes as proper food. 

Tonight I am attending a wedding reception of a girl I used to go to kiddy school with and haven't seen in over 10 years. Its gonna be a strange reunion, normally I catch up with people over a coffee or hey! summat stronger, tonight though there's gonna be lace and flowers and family members oohh and maybe food. This could turn out fab after all. I will just remind myself to watch out for drunken relatives and sugar fuelled kids and it'll be chocks away kittens. Gotta find a dress to wear. Though that shouldn't be tricky with the hoard I have. The problem I had was what do I give as a wedding gift to someone I haven't seen in so long. I haven't a clue what she likes/hates. Mother suggested I try and remember what she used to like when we were kids. But I can hardly turn up with a Barbie doll and some fizzy pop and say Heeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! Remember me and the good ole days aaayyy?! No no, silly mom.

So in the end I put my talents to some use and made these cushion covers; something pretty and fancy yet practical.

The print is elegant yet modern and should blend into any colour scheme. They can be used upon the sofa to spruce up the living room, or upon the bed, like in the picture, to make the bed look luxurious and exciting. One is hoping she'll like them though.

And here's another reason I  have been busy bee like, my knickers. These little fancies are hopefully gonna help bring the bacon home for this kitten. I have a small collection building but need to get cracking on more designs soooooon! I am feeling the need for high waisted floral knickers. OOOOOOOOOoooooohhhhh peee panting excitedness! 

So if I want al le dollar I have to keep on sewing :/  

Right I have a card to make. Best go find my pritt stick.