Monday 26 October 2009

Some time, little girl

Here I am in my room, surrounded by a mountain of clothes. If my mom walks in right now she will die from the mess. See I'm finally gutting my wardrobe, so today I'm going through and deciding what's gotta go and what has to stay. I have found soo many dresses with the tags still on its unreal, forgotten in the mist of everything else, dresses that I've cut the tags off but never even worn, and dresses that I've worn once hated and sworn never to wear again. Golly I've even found dresses I never knew I had! Did I mention I have an obsession for dresses. And even worse, buying them. I'm a proper clothes fiend. I can by no means even dare to calculate how much crap I have. Dresses, shoes, tops, skirts, knits, bags, belts, jewellery, hats, coats; I have a collection of all. Darn I even have a collection of socks. I just love clothes and shopping a little too much! But I'm doing a good job so far de-cluttering my life. I've tried to get rid of things before but I'm too sentimental, and I'd end up getting rid of very little. But I dunno, things have changed. Life's changed so much over these last few months. I've got to be more cut throat in life, not so manby panby. Too be more decisive and  grab life by the scruff of its neck and make the most of everything that it throws my way.  I've been really ill recently and today I've felt so much better and more alike myself. So I thought today will be my day of change - out with the old and in with the new. A fresh start for the autumn times.  And the soundtrack to my 'spring/autumn clean' is the awesome Jimmy Eat world. Especially 'The Middle' as it completely reflects me in life right now. So I'm gonna carry on jumping around like a berk whilst drinking fizzy cola and pretending to tidy up. Chow.