Sunday 16 May 2010

Why, hello there!

So as you can see my blog header is now brand spanking new! Also with a new name, and blog address: CLARE AND THE BEAR
ok ok I do admit I get rather bored and tiresome with stuff, but I'll try and promise that this one is a keeper!

So the main reason for la change is actually a business reason. I now have a vintage stall which is called
which will start on bank holiday Monday 31st May at The Stein Bar in Walsall (times yet to be arranged). Obviously I'll be selling beautiful vintage pieces including vintage dresses, coats, skirts, blouses, knits, hand bags, shoesies, jewellery, trinkets, mens wear yardy yardy yarda... and also my illustrations will be availble to purchase.
Here are a few photos of the treasures for sale to you kittens: