Sunday 9 August 2009

Life, as I have known it (via graduating)

It has been a lazy Sunday afternoon, the sun is shining through my bedroom window as I lye on my bed in extremely comfy slouchy clothes, cheery music plays from my little Beartop and thoughts simmer in and out of my mind and drift out of the window and go dancing into the clouds above. 
I must admit it has been a while since my last entry, though life has been extremely busy within the last few months. First finishing uni at long last, though this caused a feeling of lost and bewilderment. The world in which I knew and lived for the last three years of my life had now finished. It felt like I didn't belong any more as I was no longer a student, I was technically unemployed. The last year of uni pushes you to the extreme, you're constantly working, draining you of all your energy, right until the very last moment then suddenly BANG that's it. Its over. You wake up and feel like you should be working, there's something you need so sew, photoshop or print, but there isn't. Which yeh was great, no more work, no more all nighters trying to get everything completed for the hand in. But the sudden halt was unsettling because you've gone from one extreme of working none stop to another extreme of nothing. 
I wont deny it, I was scared. Scared of what the future that I was almost nearing had in store for me. 
But if all this wasn't enough the second big drama was approaching. The BIG move home.
Now that was a scary fact to face. If anyone knows me, or has ever visiting my house, you could understand why I was daunted by the fact of packing. I had seemed to accumulated  a hell of a lot of jazz at my time at uni, including three wardrobes of clothes! But luckily I managed to pack everything up in the end, with a big thanks to Liam bee for all his help. 
So the move home came and went and now I occupy my time and life in my hometown of Birmingham. And may I just say that the unpacking was just as terrible as the packing! I daresay there are still boxes I still haven't unpacked yet.
And then along came the Graduation, so me, my mother and father toddled off back down to Kent for what seemed to feel like the last time I would ever make this journey. We stayed in a B'n'B in Rochester which was stated to be a river view but was more car park obscuring the river view. Oh well, at least it was clean, and I somewhat admired the dated quaint floral prints of the wallpaper and curtains, though some would think them tacky.
The graduation went well, the sun shined for us all so we could have a rain free happy day and pictures in toe. It seemed to be over in a matter of no time as we were soon all outside posing for our year photograph. I wore a prommy dress I made in nude Italian cotton I had left over from the collection, though it was barely visible under my Harry Potter robes.  I felt myself that the whole to-do was so like the Great Hall in Harry Potter with everyone in their black robes that it seemed the only person missing was Dumbledor himself. And oh! That darn hat was way too big for me and even though I had a gazillion hair grips pinning it to my head it still managed to wobble for the entire ceremony.
I have yet to see all the pictures from the day but here is one of me and Linzy before the ceremony began.

So now I am officially a graduate. And life's looking pretty dapper. I now work as head seamstress in Cow Vintage Warehouse in Birmingham which is totally awesome. I love vintage and now I spend my days rifling through and altering beautiful vintage dresses and clothing. Everyone at work seems lovely to say the least and I get 50% off so work is to put it simply great.
The sun has faded now, I feel a little thirsty and my eyes are a little fuzzy from Betty's screen so I feel I shall leave you little ones here as Maximo Park plays me out. Though I guess you canny hear that, ah well go youtube them now and enjoy.