Sunday 7 June 2009

Clare Heart is here and now live

Hello, bonjour and good day.. And welcome to my blog thingy.
Oohhh boy, a lot has happened this past year and now it is all coming to an end.
I have finished university now so I am no longer classed as a student oh no.
I am now classed as unemployed and God does it feel pooey!
But wow the immense feeling of joy of having a stress free life. Well, for the time being.
Planplans are in the mix but for now I'm very much enjoying relaxing with the curly one.
We have been on some adventures since finishing uni for summer. Including an awesome trip to Broadstairs seaside, awesome ice cream's from Rochester, and venturing to Rochester's Sweep's and Dickens festivals. 
The latest adventure was a surprise present for Liam's 21st birthday, where I surprised him with a trip on a steam boat along the river Medway accompanied with a jazz jamboree. 
It was lovely though very cold, and was very funny as we were the youngest kittens there as the boat was full of pensioners. Though they were very sweet and adorable dancing to the jazz tunes and drinking their hot chocolates. And tomorrow brings more adventures, which shall be unravelled within another blog another day. So for now I shall stop boring you and say toodle pip as it is due time for PIMS O'CLOCK. 
To check out photo's from mine and Liam's adventures click here